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LEMP Server Template


Welcome to the Hostwinds LEMP server template!

With this installation, you'll find your server configured with the components listed on this page.

You can get started with making your website live by connecting to your server using SFTP and uploading your files to the /usr/share/nginx/html directory.

All relevant details related to this installation, including any required login details, can be found on your server within the file /root/details.txt.

You can view this file by connecting to your server via SSH and running the following command:

cat /root/details.txt


Operating System: CentOS Linux 8

Webserver: Nginx 1.22.0

Database: MariaDB 10.3.28

PHP: PHP 7.4.19

SSL Certificates: Let's Encrypt

PHP Info: https://hwsrv-1051266.hostwindsdns.com/phpinfo.php

phpMyAdmin: https://hwsrv-1051266.hostwindsdns.com/phpmyadmin